NFS and Mount to TIYCam
To run the applications in development on the TIYCam, we can install NFS on the host development computer, in our case, it is ubuntu 20.
Installation of NFS
Use the following command on host development PC to install NFS:
and add:
/home/ubuntu *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
Note there should be no space between rw,sync,no_boot_squash,no_substree_check, otheriwse it will fail to start the NFS.
'home/ubuntu' is the directory of the home directory of host development computer.
To restart the NFS server:
To check the status of NFS server:
Mount the NFS directory onto TIYCam
Telnet into the TIYcam:
The username is root, and password is default to be blank.
Use the following command on TIYCam (note: not the host development PC)
where IPaddress-of-hostpc is the IP address of the host pc that resides in the same local area network.
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