Dictionary Management

Add Dictionary

Add Dictionary


  1. Click the inverted triangle in the upper right corner of the business menu β†’ system management β†’ dictionary management.

  2. In the list of dictionaries, click Add to add a new dictionary.

  3. Mandatory operation: parent dictionary, dictionary name, dictionary English name, and dictionary code in basic information.

  4. Optional action: Comment.

  5. Click the " OK " button.

Add Dictionary Entry


1. Click the inverted triangle in the upper right corner of the business menu β†’ system management β†’ dictionary management.

2. In the list of dictionaries, click Add to add a new dictionary.

3. Mandatory operation: the parent dictionary, dictionary name, dictionary English name and dictionary code in the basic information, add the name, code, serial number, and dictionary English name in the dictionary item.

4. Optional action: Comment.

5. Click the "OK" button.

Add Dictionary Category


1. Click the inverted triangle in the upper right corner of the business menu β†’ system management β†’ dictionary management.

3. Mandatory action: category name.

4. Optional: describe information.

  1. Click the "Save" button.

Edit Dictionary

Edit Dictionary


2. Mandatory operation: upper-level dictionary in basic information, dictionary name, dictionary English name, dictionary code.

3. Optional action: Comment.

4. Click OK.

Edit Dictionary Entry


3. Mandatory operations: dictionary name, dictionary English name, dictionary code, serial number.

Edit Dictionary Classification


2. Mandatory action: category name.

3. Optional: describe information.

4. Click "Save".

Delete Dictionary

Delete Dictionary

[Note]: If there is a sub- dictionary under the dictionary, you need to delete the sub- dictionary first and then delete this dictionary.

Delete Dictionary Entry


Delete Dictionary Category

[Note]: If there are dictionaries in the dictionary category, you need to delete the dictionary first and then delete the dictionary category.

Last updated